Bloomer Sno-Hawks
The Bloomer Sno-Hawks Snowmobile Club is located in Bloomer Wisconsin.

The Bloomer Snow Hawks are one of the larger clubs in Chippewa County. Our Club was started in 1994 taking over the duties of the trails from the Bloomer Moonliters that was started in the early 1970s. we maintain about 80 miles of funded trails and with that we have around 150 Landowners. We OWE them a BIG Thank You for their permission. SO THIS IS WHY ALL SNOWMOBILERS NEED TO RESPECT THEM AND STAY ON THE MARKED TRAILS WHEN THEY OPEN!

Membership Dues are only $20.00/year and NO CHARGE for Volunteers. Also Landowners that ask to be members, their dues are paid by the club.
Also taking new members. Make check out to Sno-Hawks and send to Tracy Schnell, 921 Newman St. Bloomer, Wi. 54724.
Questions, call 715-379-9336
Always taking new members. Thanks.
Remember when you join a club, you get a discount price on your Wisconsin Trail Pass
Chippewa County snowmobile trails will close 5pm on March 4th Poor condition. PLEASE STAY ON TRAIL when open!