Bloomer Sno-Hawks
Membership Info
Membership: $20.00
Trail Volunteers: No Charge
18 and older need to join under your own name.
New Members: If you would like to join, send $20.00 check made out the the Sno-Hawks and send to the address below with your check. Please send your address, phone number and e-mail address. And if you'd like to volunteer, call 568-2570
Current Members: You can also renew your dues by making a $20.00 check made out the the Sno-Hawks and sen it to the address below. Make sure to include any changes that you may have with address, phone number and e-mail address.
Bloomer Snohawks Snowmobile Club
Tracy Schnell
921 Newman Street
Bloomer WI 54724
AWSC Trail passes will be needed to ride the Wisconsin trails. For Trail Pass info, go to If you join a AWSC club, you'll be able to get the discount pass for $10.00.
Why Join a Club? WE NEED YOU!
In Wisconsin, we have over 26,000 miles of trails. These trails were created and are maintained by snowmobile clubs, entirely self-funded through registration fees, gas tax fees, or clubs raising money on their own. Clubs get the easements to ride across private land, clear brush from the trail, and put up and take down signs every year. In the winter, we groom the trails.
Your registration fees do not guarantee you there will be trails, nor do the gas tax fees that you contribute. It merely gives you the right to ride on public trails, and there wouldn't be trails without clubs, so join one.